RNSK'S Family Day 2009 Symbolizes to The Comeback of Our Unity

Responsbilitiy,unity, knowledge, loving and warm relationship, this is what Negeri Sembilan's Family Day 2009 is all about . As long as i am concern, our family day was first held in 1981 and today with a special performance, it is now being held again that have been started in 22 june 2009. this year, with these 4- days of June together, once again we try to bring back the previous memories in order to put our association in the best condition. LOVE is our theme this year. Definitely this theme have been choosen by the full love hearts and spirits. Family Days 2009 brought by RNSK stand for Rumah Negeri Sembilan Kaherah, it comes as a happy-go-lucky occasion. May be some of us thought we’d got rid of our previous happiness but it seems to have come back again. Something that we are not expected also can be the source of the pure delightness in our life.
Then, what is the special with our Family Day this year? Well, all of us have got our own pointview. Then we can share this variety of perception to make time and place that we live in, in a better condition. But how? We compromise,tolerance with others’ rights and perception. We not look down on theirs and and not criticize in a bad way. This is what we call the quality of brotherhood.
On the other side, we don’t put a great hope for this annually event not more than a body- gathering. It should be celebrated with a lot of positive meanings. We are trying to make this Family day as a quantum leap forward for the best unity of Anak-anak Negeri Sembilan.
A lot of events are provided to be taken part in our Family Day. Indoor and outdoor games and events with a sense of inovasion made and created creatively by our club members are expected to make our Family Day an outcoming celebration. Furthermore, everybody gives moral and material supports. We are enjoying this annually gathering event. We try to set up a new lifestyle with our new ‘ayah and ‘ibu’ and show our unity to people that want to see how we are look alike. This is not some kind of show-off. Rather, this is the way to prove to people that we are not as bad as what they thought. We do not come apart, but we still live in peace and smart. Maybe some times ago we used to suffer a tremendous pain to build our society. But now, it is about time to stick up for our unity MTP stand for Majlis Tertinggi Pengurusan or MHC an abbreviation for Management Highets Council. So let us join together to declare for our MTP.
Back to the Family Day, what about our limited edition t-shirt? So far,this is what we see as a new idea brought by our Family Days committee. I don’t mean to talk about fashion. But about a new idea. Because I don’t look at it materially but immaterially and spiritually. The new idea that have been generated by person as an effort to make our event look better. Some criticized this idea while some have been strived for it. Dissimilarity of giving idea doesn’t meant that we are going to fight each other. But it means we have options to be choosen and combined. Every single idea has its own power, principle and quality and reason. Maybe we can say that not all the new things in our live are seem to be the best, but all the best things in our live should be kept back as a new thing. Other thing that we should share here is we together take matters into our own hands in order to hold this Family Day. Although there were some obstacles we faced, but we still stand for it . God willings! Anybody is free and to give any opinion and we are all ears! We go along with ideas and critics that support our unity improvement not to interfere with it. Like any association, we have got to look ahead and plan for the better future. Allah will be with us as long as we put the great hope and believe in Him.
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